同窓会 会員登録

The Alumni Association of Joining and Welding Research Institute, Osaka University
Member Registration

登録の種別(Registration type) 
お名前 : Name
フリガナ : Name in Katakana (if possible)
メールアドレス : Email address
区分 : Classification 
研究室または所属部署 : Name of labaratory in JWRI/Department
学科・専攻 : Department
研究室 : Name of labaratory in JWRI
関係研究室(任意) : Name of related laboratory in JWRI(optional)
所属機関等 : Affiliation 
Year of graduation / registration (No need to fill in while enrolled) 
Year of retirement (No need to fill in if you are employed)
振込(予定)日 : Transfer date (expected) Year / Month / Day 
We recognize the importance of protecting personal information you provide through the site. The personal information will be used only for this alumni association in accordance with the Personal Data Protection Law, the university's privacy policy and regulations. 
通信欄 : Comment box